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Locally Grown

"It has been a privilege and a joy to share my love of writing with others."


I had the opportunity to discuss my writing journey with students at a local elementary school. The students were great listeners and showed tons of enthusiasm! I hope that they learned something from my presentation and were inspired to follow their dreams. My main message to them is: You can do amazing things with a bit of help. If you dream big and work hard, you can accomplish anything!

Board Game!

A sixth grade student at a local school was told to turn a book report into a board game for her reading class. To my surprise, she chose my book "Landing Among the Stars" to base the game off of. She did an incredible job at being creative and developing a new way for my book to be portrayed. The drawings and cards are adorable, and I'd love to play it sometime!

Looking Back...

I cannot believe that it has been four whole years since "The Garden Warrior" was released. It is surreal to me that I have been able to reach out to so many people in that short span of time. It has been a privilege and a joy to share my love for writing with others, and I hope that this experience doesn't end any time soon.


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